Answered Prayers

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June 17, 2021

A former student of mine wrote to me in desperation

A few days ago, a friend and former student of mine wrote to me in desperation because his professional activity had collapsed and he had to leave his rented house. I wrote to him and called him saying that I have no way of finding him a house, which must be very cheap to rent, nor do I have any chance of finding him a job. I told him that I would pray for his needs.
I immediately asked Pedrito Ballester to intercede with God for the resolution of my friend’s pressing problems. After a few days, I called my friend again and he told me that he could not find a house to live in and that next Monday, 7th June, he had to leave the house where he was staying as the deadline for his stay had long passed. I consoled him as best I could.
From time to time I prayed to Pedrito to help this friend. Today, Saturday 5 June 2021, this man writes to me and tells me that he has found a house according to his needs. And on Monday 7th, he will be able to live in it.
I am convinced of the intercession of Pedro before God to get what I was asking for.

Seville, Spain, 5 June 2021

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