Answered Prayers

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May 22, 2024

From Guatemala: I had kept this money "in a very safe place"

I am writing to you from Guatemala. I have a very close friend who asks Pedro for all kinds of favours and he grants her all kinds of favours.
A few days ago, I took up a collection for the benefit of a priest who attends a rural parish with many needs.
One Saturday, some friends gave me a contribution to help with the collection. When I returned home, I had a severe headache and I remember that I had kept this money "in a very safe place".
The next day, when I wanted to put it away with the rest of the money I had collected, I couldn't find it. I remembered that I had put it away, but I couldn't remember where.
After I had been looking for most of the day, I called my friend and asked her: "This has happened to me, please ask your Pedro to find it". At the end of the call, I continued looking... and was surprised to find it in the very first place I had looked for it: under a paperweight that this same friend had given me.
I have no doubt that it was Pedro who helped me find it!
MJP (Guatemala)
22 May 2024, Pedro's birthday.

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