A loyal and wonderful friend

Pedro was such a wonderful and loyal friend and beloved brother in faith, and I am thankful to have had Pedro as my guide and sponsor in joining the Church. He was always filled with compassion for others ...

by Liam Ashdown

Pedro was such a wonderful and loyal friend and beloved brother in faith, and I am thankful to have had Pedro as my guide and sponsor in joining the Church.  He was always filled with compassion for others and whenever I visited him at Greygarth or in hospital he always made a kind enquiry regarding my family and other friends,even though he did not know them personally, or asked me about myself, life in Huddersfield or offered me advice, usually concerning retaking my maths GCSE.  He did all this even though he was undergoing difficult treatment.  It was this quality of selflessness, along with the friendship and openness which heso freely showed to all people that endeared him to all those whom he met and touched their hearts.


I thank God for all the fond memories I have of Pedro,especially when he was my sponsor, when we went on the annual pilgrimage toYork, did the teaching course together at Greygarth in 2014 or just the simple things such as going out for a bite to eat. I will miss such occasions as these and the conversations we had very much.